The Travelers
HD | stereo | 17’30 | 2022
With Anne Mazeau, John Pablo, Félix Leprince, Françoise Cornilleau, Anne Rannou, Mnémosyne, Florie Allenet, Stéphane Feuillu, Myriam, and Émilie
Production: Anne Rannou & Étienne Roussel | The Group production house
© Agathe Simon
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The video The Travelers is entirely made up of the accounts of people who have just lived a shamanic journey to the sound of the drum alone, without a plant. The participants were individually accompanied by Agathe Simon, according to a protocol accessible without prerequisites. This video is part of the Shamanic Cycle.
The Shamanic Cycle is a multimedia cycle which has been unfolding since 2015. It includes videos, sound pieces and performances. It is based on the same stake, the exploration of the unknown, and the same protocol, the recourse to shamanic journeys. Agathe Simon created this cycle in the light of encounters with shamans from different traditions: Mongolian, Pygmy, Korean, Quechua and Lakota.